domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012


that leading guy over there is completly astonished by the way that things torn out to be in this place. So cold so dirty, his place in the food chain is increasely being lowered and lowered.. The place of the lettuces is becoming a threat for him.

He's being conored by that big spotted tiger. that carnivorous knows the exact moves to make his heart skip a beat. Going in front is always his duty and being the first to face adversity also is. So with his chin up high he starts the race...

O quinto Império

Triste de quem vive em casa,
Contente com o seu lar,
Sem que um sonho, no erguer de asa,
Faça até mais rubra a brasa
Da lareira a abandonar!

Triste de quem é feliz!
Vive porque a vida dura.
Nada na alma lhe diz
Mais que a lição da raiz-
Ter por vida a sepultura.

Eras sobre eras se somem
No tempo que em eras vem.
Ser descontente é ser homem.
Que as forças cegas se domem
Pela visão que a alma tem!

E assim, passados os quatro
Tempos do ser que sonhou,
A terra será theatro
Do dia claro, que no atro
Da erma noite começou.

Grecia, Roma, Cristandade,
Europa- os quatro se vão
Para onde vae toda edade.
Quem vem viver a verdade
Que morreu Dom Sebastião?

Working the mines

How can one start the project for a new mine, when it feels that the mine where he's working right now it's staring to collapse? Almost all his miners working there don't give a damm about the structure and all those pillar that they've been working on.. You feel that support is being taking out of the stupid hole in the ground.

The top of the mine is ready to collapse, will you just stand there and watch it fall? It's really unpleasant to say the least. When will one get sick of saying "I told you so..", "You should put more effort into it"? Sometimes, you just have to let one part of the mine collapse so that you can save the whole structure. But the biggest question in my mind is.. Which to pick?

This geologist needs to racionalise the crude facts in front of his mind and plan the solution as he learned, in spite of everything that his heart says. Get out of the way, the scientist is in the HOUSE!


Is it worth it when your are the only one rowing against the tide? Everyone has just given up and you are the last one with enough strength to.... ohhh f*ck them! Just KICK THEM AWAKE and put them at your side, rowing with you and defeat the stupid embrace of that blueish sickening tide!

But... why Care? Why do I care so much? Always the same old battle inside my tired, stubborn mind... Would it be so easy if I didn't cared, if it didn't affect me so much. How can I create a shell to protect myself from caring so much? She certenly does not care enough to talk with me or solve anything with you.

So what should I do? Just ignore? How do you do THAT?? I gess that button didn't came with this package, when I was born.

State: In need of a ignore button in my mind... while in that I could really use a think of yourself button too.