quarta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2005


Foi erguido onde jaziam tecidos de corpos mortos, deteriorados.
Num pantanal onde outrora Artesãos, Bruxas e Curandeiros
Travavam a eterna batalha da vida e da morte
Desde o principio dos tempos que assim o é.
Esses tempos foram deixando indícios
De tudo o que se passou naquele terreno.
Nesse pantanal foi construído um edifício ,
Um edifício digno do séc. XXI.
Todos os dias as almas atormentadas,
Perdidas entre o tempo e o espaço,
Presas entre duas realidades,
Assombram este edifício.
Onde se misturam o místico e a ciência.
A essência dessas batalhas criou este lugar,
Designado por “Beguiningathend”.
Representando ele toda a vida
A vida que não é mais do que lutas,
Trivialidades, disputas, crenças,
Alegrias, felicidade e União.
Ela é desdobrável em duas partes,
Duas faces da moeda, o mal e o bem,
O justo e o injusto, mas o que é tudo isso?
Mas afinal o que é a vida?
Algum dia descobriremos a resposta a estas
E todas outras perguntas que continuam sem resposta?
3k (at 2001)


The actual society has developed towards the wrong path. We started with excellent values, millions of ideas bubbling up and tremendous aspirations. But something went wrong in the way. The only value that mater now is money. We have go back and return to the direction of the Perfect, of the ideal world. Capitalism has gone too far, we have to end with all the unjust political models, capitalism, communism and all the others, and create a brand new model that place the Humans and Nature above all.
Besides the stupidity, the massive killings, the anger, the cruelty and the lack of respect of the Human race that occurred in the past, there are still people today that believe in those unintelligent Nazis ideas or some other similar to them. That entire people that died, old people, men, women, children, wasn’t enough? The same Jews that were killed in the WWII are the same Jews that are now killing the Palestinians. People forget easily, people like the “Skin Heads”, the Jews, the Americans, and even the European with things called “Le pen” or “Berlusconi”.
They should remember of Adolph Hitler, the man that wanted to prove the superiority of the Arian Race. Hitler a black-haired, brown-eyed, Austrian man. This makes me think, “ Was Hitler colour-blind?” Maybe it was as these new people are.
I think that if there is will, everything is achievable by harmless means. It’s crucial to pick up this wave of violence, intolerance, and prejudice and convert it in joy, tolerance and affability. An obvious example is the European Union, six countries that by their grit came together to help each other. And now, it still has a long way to go, but it’s in our hands to do of Europe a model of acceptance, security, prosperity, and liberty. It will take lot of determination to alter this world deeply, but we have to do it. It’s in our hands to build better and a renewed world. The perfect world, without divisions, hates, poverty, hunger or discrimination. 3k (at 2001)